Board Nominations: Board nominations for La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Board seats in Area 4 and Area 5 are approaching. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Board Member, please reach out to us. While we do not expect a single Board member to bring immediate change, we believe that having a seat at the table is essential for achieving true transparency. Below is a link to the Trustee Area map to review the boundary lines.
Opt-Out Letter: Email us if you are interested in receiving a copy of an opt-out letter that has been successful in other districts in limiting the exposure of our children to alternative curricula and subjects. Please consider using this letter if you have concerns about the curriculum being taught to your child.
Uniform Complaint Submission: If you have not done so already, you may want to consider submitting a complaint regarding any grievances you might be experiencing that the District or School is not addressing. This is a formal process established to address complaints related to specific programs or activities in public schools that receive federal or state funding. You can access the Complaint form and other resources below.
Thank you for your continued dedication and support. Our children's futures are at stake, and we are determined to see this journey through to create a better educational environment for all.
What is the purpose of this group?
FAQ: Who Are We?
Q: Who are the members of this group?
A: We are a collective of parents deeply committed to securing the best possible educational experience for our children. Our group consists of individuals who share concerns about certain aspects of the education system and are advocating for positive change.
Q: What drives our group's mission?
A: Our primary motivation is our children's well-being and growth. We seek to ensure that their educational journey is enriching, balanced, and aligned with our shared values. We believe that an engaged parent community can contribute positively to the educational environment.
Q: What are our goals?
A: Our goals include fostering transparency within the education system, gaining insight into curriculum decisions, and collaborating with district officials to ensure that our children receive a well-rounded and inclusive education. We aim to partner constructively with schools to create an environment that benefits all students.
Q: Why is transparency important to our group?
A: Transparency builds trust and understanding between parents, schools, and district administration. We believe that open communication and access to information allow us to make informed decisions about our children's education and ensure that their needs are being met.
Q: How does transparency benefit our children?
A: Transparent communication helps us understand curriculum decisions, teaching methods, and overall educational strategies. With this understanding, we can actively support our children's learning and engage in meaningful discussions about their progress.
FAQ: Who Are We Not?
Q: Are we an angry mob?
A: No, we are not an angry mob. We approach our concerns with a spirit of collaboration and open dialogue. Our focus is on fostering positive change through respectful communication and seeking common ground with the education system.
Q: Are we against the education system?
A: No, we are not against the education system. We value education and its role in shaping our children's futures. Our aim is to work alongside educators and administrators to address specific concerns and contribute to the improvement of the system.
Q: Are we against progress or change?
A: No, we recognize the importance of progress and adapting to changing times. Our concerns are rooted in ensuring that any changes are made with careful consideration for our children's well-being and that they align with our shared values of transparency.
Q: Do we want to disrupt our children's education?
A: No, our ultimate goal is to enhance our children's education. We seek to improve the educational experience for all students by engaging constructively with schools and district officials. We believe that a collaborative approach benefits everyone involved.
Q: Are we unwilling to listen to differing perspectives?
A: No, we are open to hearing various viewpoints and engaging in respectful conversations. We believe that diverse perspectives contribute to well-rounded discussions and help us make informed decisions for our children's education.
Stay Educated
A significant aspect of effective advocacy involves understanding your rights. To assist you in this, we've compiled a list of resources that offer valuable guidance.
California Legislative Information:
Website: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/
This is the official website for California legislative information. You can search for and access the full text of the California Education Code and other relevant laws.
California Department of Education (CDE):
Website: https://www.cde.ca.gov/
The CDE's website provides a wealth of information on education policies, programs, and resources in California.
California Parent Teacher Association (PTA):
Website: https://capta.org/
The California PTA offers resources and information about parent rights, advocacy, and education-related issues.
Website: https://edsource.org/
EdSource offers news, analysis, and resources on education issues in California, including information on policies and laws.
La Mesa-Spring Valley School District:
Website: https://www.lmsvschools.org/board/#policies
Check the official website of the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District for their policies and information relevant to your concerns.
Website: https://www.findlaw.com/
FindLaw's education section can be helpful for researching legal issues related to education, including laws and rights.
California School Boards Association (CSBA):
Website: https://www.cde.ca.gov/
CSBA provides resources and information about school governance, policies, and educational laws in California.
**In addition to these resource, we encourage you to perform your own research in locating other Parent Advocacy resources and groups, in addition to Legal Aide organizations in your areas.
Stay Encouraged
We understand that this is not an overnight process and want to encourage everyone that we are walking out the necessary steps toward making a real and lasting change. We need to remain united and engaged in our shared desire for transparency in what our children are being exposed to and address the lack of accountability at the school and district levels. Every single one of our children has a right to free education focused on core curricula. We should not have to be faced with the decision to pull our kids from their longtime friends and relationships due to ongoing and growing concerns. Too many Murdock families have had to figure out how to make private school tuition work with their finances or have made the sacrifice to a single-income family in order to homeschool their children. This is not right, and this should not be happening. We all deserve the right to understand what our kids are being exposed to, for the six hours they are away from us a day, to ensure that it aligns with the state laws and regulations. We deserve the opportunity to develop a foundational understanding of certain sensitive subjects at home, based on household beliefs, values, and ideas. All children deserve respect and kindness, including our own. When dropping children off in the morning, all parents should feel that their kids are safe and that we trust the adults around them to have our children's best interests in mind - not their own. What we are seeking is not outrageous nor is it a cause for opposition. We are looking to partner with the individuals our tax dollars employ. We are asking for honesty and integrity to show up in our dealings with the school and the district. We are looking for acknowledgment of our raised concerns and a legitimate effort into the investigation of what so many of us are bringing to the surface. It is exhausting and it seems like a never-ending battle, but it is so worth the end goal. Please stay engaged with us and show up on the 12th. Together, we can advocate for transparency in what our children are exposed to and address the lack of accountability within the school and district administration.
Stay in Touch
To stay fully informed about our progress, upcoming meetings, and other developments, we encourage you to stay connected with our advocacy group. By staying in touch, you'll be the first to know about the latest news, opportunities to get involved, and steps we're taking to make positive changes in our education system.
Don't miss out on being a part of this important movement. Join our mailing list, and keep an eye on our website for regular updates. Your involvement and support are essential to our collective success. Thank you for being an advocate for our children's future. Let's continue working together to create positive change!